
Functional movement sessions

for Strength | Flexibility | Mobility | Relaxation







Does this sound like you?

If you are: 

  • A Mom

  • An Athlete

  • A Golfer

  • An unmotivated Teen or Adult

  • An Aging Person

Or if you have: 

  • A tight neck or low back

  • A stiff body and need help stretching

  • An interest in befriending your body

  • Stress and need supportive relaxation techniques

I can help motivate you by giving you a fitness routine that’s unique to your body and needs. 

Your first session

What to expect

The first initial assessment gives you and me a chance to get to know one another. It is jam packed with information that will empower you to take the next easiest and most effective step toward treating yourself better. 

  • Navigate neck pain like an expert

  • Release muscular tension

  • Create muscular balance for athletes

  • Deepen your yoga and meditation practice

  • Discover a movement practice for the first time

  • Get up and down off of the floor easier

  • Tie your shoes with less effort

  • Play golf with reduced neck and low back pain

  • Move out of pain

  • Relieve chronic low back pain

  • Increase your body awareness


Tailored to you

Your one-on-one motivator

One on One sessions allow me to focus on your goals, whether that be:

  • Developing a strong yoga practice

  • Practicing a Handstand, Backbend, Arm Balance or other Yoga pose for the first time or for the first time without reoccurring pain

  • Increasing your ability to surrender when tough emotions arise

  • Being able to sit in a meditative posture comfortably

  • Relieving neck or low back pain

I can design a session that’s tailored to you.

Book your session 



One-on-One Functional Movement Session
30 minute - $65
One-on-One Functional Movement Session
55 minute - $110

Everything you need in person outside @ Del Rey Oaks Park in Del Rey Oaks, Ca.


One-on-One Functional Movement Session
30 minute - $65
One-on-One Functional Movement Session
55 minute - $110

Online sessions will be held via Zoom.