3 Days with No Social Media

It’s been 3 days with no social media and it feels so good!

I’ve given social media a real shot over the past 4 years. Most of my time has been spent dodging programs that promise to bring me financial success. I may have one. I even created a 6 week online program to Manage & Relieve Head & Neck Pain. I did what they said, offered a free 3 day plan to offer something valuable and bring people into my word. I sold the program to one person. She loved it, but that was that.

The reality is, I’m a mom taking care of two littles under 6 years old. I’m also a Functional Movement Coach and an Author. I don’t have time for more programs, but they keep popping up on my feed.

With social media I believed the advertisements and sponsored ads. I dedicated way too much of my precious time and mental space to:

  • Seeing people’s highlight reels

  • Seeking connection through a screen

  • Comparing myself

  • Thinking my life isn’t perfect for me because someone else’s life appears perfect

  • Thinking I need to do more, post more, create more content, be more visible to get my books out there

Ha! Jokes on me.

I’ve spent the last 4 years on a rat wheel wasting precious energy trying to figure out how to use social media to bring people into my world.

People who need encouragement and support to:

  • Move their bodies

  • Slow down

  • Use mantras to focus

  • Be creative

  • Heal head & neck pain

  • Feel grief and depression

  • Be reminded of the unwavering light and laughter that’s available

  • Know they aren’t alone in the work life balance of being a mom

The more I try to squeeze all of that into social media content-and not well—the less time I have to write and be present with my family.

When social media is on my phone I pick it up anytime there is a lull. I think I’ll just see how so and so is doing. Next thing I know I’ve been on for 15 minutes or so. That doesn’t seem like much, but it keeps happening throughout the day and I get wildly distracted. My mind gets pulled in too many opposing directions. I feel confused about what I needed to do for the day and depleted. Yet for 4 years I have continued to dive back into social media thinking I will get different results.

Here’s the thing social media hasn’t done.

It hasn’t:

  • Connected me with new readers

  • Brought new clients my way

  • Connected me with the community outside of my door

  • Created more income, ease, or joy in my life

So here I am on substack instead. Maybe it’s another social media beast. Maybe it’s not. I know the past year on here has felt pretty good, once I found my rhythm posting.

I enjoy writing and knowing I’m putting it into the world. I love finding new writers here too.

The notes part of Substack—I’m not sure about that. It feels similar to social media, but also different. It’s less addictive, but with the potential to steal my attention from what matters most.

Presence & Peace

That’s all for now.

Happy New Year Friends.

Thank you for being here!

Thank you for reading my short posts!

If you’ve read this far can you comment below. Even a simple heart emoji. It’s nice to feel encouraged, to know at least 1 person is reading these posts!

One reader makes it worth it.

Love Always,

Danielle Mallett


Lessons From My Mom's Short Life


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